While many people believe that e-mail marketing is dead, the truth is far from it. Of course, with the advent of social media marketing, artificial intelligence, etc., it sure does feel that the e-mail has run its race. However, research and surveys throw light on how e-mail, is still running strong! E-mail marketing is one of the best possible strategies of business; that is what the real metrics are pointing out.
Believe it or not, as per the data acquired in the year 2018, e-mail marketing was considered to be the most effective marketing channel, beating SEO, social media and affiliate marketing. Yes, you read that right! For those who are confused, as to why e-mail marketing is still alive and kicking, well that is because, most adult internet users, use e-mail more than the other aforementioned platforms. Since most people are on e-mail, it is a smart strategy, to reach out to them via, this mode.
Therefore, building e-mail marketing is beyond important. If you happen to be a new entrepreneur, then you need to lay great emphasis on e-mail marketing, even when you are putting all your effort in social media marketing, SEO etc.
Some people who are of the opinion, that SEO and e-mail are completely parallel forms of marketing, but the reality is, that all of them are connected in some way. Using these connections, to grow your marketing strategy will certainly maximize results. If you want to know how e-mail can affect SEO, then keep on reading.
1. You can develop a targeted content strategy
Having an effective e-mail list helps in taking data-backed decisions. Think about it this way, all those who are in your e-mail list are your targeted audience. Now if you receive a good response to a particular e-mail headline, on a newsletter, you can use it in other platforms as well. When you know, that the target customer base, is responding to a certain strategy on e-mail, chances are you will get a similar response, if you use the same on your other marketing platforms, including SEO.
2. You can drive traffic to your website
The main aim of any online e-mail marketing is to draw traffic to your site. However, not everyone who visits your site is a potential customer. In these times, when quality rules over quantity, it is important to note that quality traffic is important for better engagement on your site. A more personalized marketing experience can only be offered on e-mail because the receiver believes that the newsletter which is sent to them it tailor-made for their requirements. Email, marketing is attracting targeted traffic to your site, which is more likely to draw a conversion.
3. Better on-site engagement
Think about it; if a customer, is clicking on an e-mail which is directing them to your website, then, it goes on to show the customer’s interest in your content, products, services, etc. This increases time on page, while decreasing exit rates. This will contribute to your SEO efforts.
4. You can save newsletter content
It goes without saying that a lot of time and effort goes into forming an excellent newsletter. A good e-mail has sufficient information to send out to your customers and can be converted as well as edited into blogs posts and articles to boost your SEO ranking.
5. E-mail helps in boosting your social media engagement
If you can use e-mail correctly, then it can certainly boost your social media following as well as engagement. You know your social media pages count towards SEO rankings, especially when backlinks and click-through rates are involved.
6. Better generation of landing pages
It is very essential that you create landing pages for your best selling products and services on your website. It is common sense that your SEO ranking will boost when you have more landing pages because it gives more opportunities to create inbound links. Having attractive subject e-mail lines really helps.
Conclusion: The whole ideal of setting up a digital marketing strategy is to find ways of using individual channels positively to impact the overall business goal. It does seem, that e-mail and SEO cannot be interrealated, but, the fact of the matter remains that your e-mail campaigns can most definitely boost your search visibility as well as ranking.