living room, shhoonya

Living room : The essence of your home

Living room are the most active space of any home. From movie nights to hosting guests they have a lot of utility in daily lives. A room of such importance and diverse usage should definitely be pleasing to the eye in terms of aesthetics and for sure be comfortable. It should not only give a cozy vibe and comfy feel but in real sense should be cozy and comfortable to spend hours and hours in that place.

The first thing a comfortable living room needs is “The right seating”. Here’s the optimum seating scheme you could follow to create a balanced space:

A beautiful Black TV Unit is the perfect way to update your living room. The sleek design will give you plenty of storage space for all your favorite movies and games. It’s also an excellent place to display your collection of framed pictures or family photos. This piece is sure to be the centerpiece of any room’s decor!

Find a comfortable sofa that fits your living room perfectly and serves the right number of seats needed. That’s too much information here. We’ll split it up for you.

Living room, SHHOONYA

Initially you need to understand your space and decide the shape and size of the sofa that would compliment your space (number of seats you want). For a relaxed corner we’d suggest L shaped sofa. Just hop on to the corner and binge watch or read while you relax too.

For seating go for squishy seats that won’t hurt rather support long sitting or lounging hours. Add cushions of the complimentary size and color.

Next thing you need to take care of is the space between to sofas or loungers. You don’t want people to sit head-to-head or legs bumping into each other. Also, you won’t want the space to be so much that one might feel distant and would have to talk on top of there voice for the other person to hear. Things should be aligned at an optimum distance so that there is no overcrowding.

This would encourage lively conversations and bonding, where people would not be glued to TV or phones, rather bond over real conversations.

sofa sets, center table

While setting the height ensure that you keep everyone in mind. As kids and elders would need different heights, since you can’t have different height in one set, going for a middle ground is advisable.

Now that you are done with the basics for your living room. Let’s pep it up and add some things to beautify it and make it even more comfortable.

First things first, you need a center table. Choose what you feel is the right fit in terms of size and design as per for living room. Now you are not done with one table, you need corner tables too. They need not be elaborate, but little ones in the corners would just fit right to put your coffee mug on or keep a nice decorative piece. One tip: Choose the tabletop surface wisely, because those glass marks look ugly. We recommend going for marble tops. Firstly, they look beautiful and secondly, they are easy to clean and maintain.

indoor plants, shhoonya

There you are almost done with the living room. Now all you have to get are foot stools, to chill while you talk, read or watch.

The right amount of lighting sets the right tone for any space. We recommend warm and not too flashy lights. It would create a light atmosphere to chat and relax.

While your whole living room is all set, we are forgetting something. The décor!

Let your imagination run and get that painting on the wall that your always pictured in your living room while growing up. Or put that Nataraja statue in the corner that reminds you of your roots. You can choose rugs too. Use your creative freedom and create your living room that is tailor made for you. And if you need any guidance for designing your living room or any room for that matter hit us up! We are there for you!

wall display, shhoonya

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