More than 90% of digital marketers swear by the power of social media. With its terrific capability to quantify the exposure of your business, it has become inevitable to invest a chunk of your online marketing budget in social media marketing. If you really want to give your brand a boost and pad your wallet at the same time, social media is just what you need. This blog is all about some of the most persuasive reasons to show the strength of social media in online marketing and why you need it the most.
- Social media helps to boost the SEO of your site
Search engine crawlers can identify the pages that have high traffic and the ones that are just floating on the internet without many viewers. Although killer content is most important to gain ranking on Google, you also need to magnet traffic to your optimized web pages. This can happen by re-sharing your popular content at certain intervals, say once in a month. Thus, with social media, you can up the SEO of your website and make the most of your online marketing campaign.
- It keeps your audience engaged
Investing in social media as a part of your online marketing strategy helps to keep your target audience engaged. You need to engage a prospect first for generating sale and re-sale. For this, you need mindshare of the audience. Social media plays an integral role in reaching out to your customer and attracting their minds. With this, you can constantly feed your audience with something new every time, whether in the form of blogs, videos, posts, etc. social media is the right tool to keep your customers engaged while keeping your wallet padded.
- Online marketing through social media helps in brand recognition
Online marketing through social media platforms aids in improving your company’s visibility among a larger audience. This gives your brand more recognition and popularity among the masses. Your company’s social media profiles present your brand’s personality and voice. Once you start posting regular content, you offer value to your target audience. This makes your brand more familiar and accessible to existing customers as well as new leads.
- Social media fetches you more sales
A recent study revealed that more than 65% of businesses have acquired their customers through Facebook. Yes, this giant social media network has now become a super-power influencing the buying decisions of customers. With a majority of the millennial crowd always hooked on to social media platforms, your online marketing budget needs a good amount of investment for social media. From introducing a new product to directly interacting with consumers through live videos, to launching sales and discount seasons, social media is here to stay for amplifying your sales and increasing your ROI.
- It is a cost-effective method of online marketing
One of the best benefits of social media marketing is that it cuts down your marketing costs to a considerable extent without compromising on the results. Most of your social media traffic comes with publishing fresh and original content on a regular basis. Even if social media is a vital part of your online marketing campaign, it will still prove to be cost-effective. Running paid ads on Facebook and Twitter really saves a lot of advertising cost as compared to other modes of advertising. Even with a small budget, you can make a huge positive impact on your business while converting new leads.
Social media allows you to put forward your brand in the limelight, grabbing newer audiences that ultimately convert into customers. It also helps you to understand your consumer behavior, their likes and dislikes and how you can improve your products and services to serve them better. With the social media already become popular among the masses and the new-generation being hooked onto Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram among a host of other platforms, investing in social media as a part of your online marketing strategy is indeed the need of the hour.