home decor, shhoonya

Twist the way you use wallpapers for Home Decor!

We all are familiar with the human tendency of getting bored with things like gadgets, shows, books, hobby, jobs after some time, the same nature applies when it comes to home decor. After a while the same home set-up and home décor starts looking dull and monotonous. While it not feasible financially and aesthetically to re-décor the home every time you are bored of the décor.

Here we are with a simple solution that can cater to multiple needs when it comes to home decor. WALLPAPERS! Yes, wallpapers are a magical quick fix for your home décor. The best parts about wallpapers are: They are extremely budget friendly, easy to install, easy to replace, requires minimum time investment. Also, if you don’t own the place and live on rent, wallpapers are god send for any temporary changes you want to make to the space.

home decor, wallpapers

You can have a wallpaper installed in any place or space that you want and wherever you feel you need to enhance the home décor. Here we bring you some easy-peasy places (other than walls obviously) that you can install wallpaper on and get a whole new vibe.

Cabinets: Now you will ask inside or outside? Well, wherever you feel like putting. You can a chic, elegant non-wooden touch paper on the outside if you want to give a diverse touch to the home decor. And for some open cabinets or racks you can actually put a paper on the inner visible face of the rack to give a new and vibrant look to the rack or cabinet.

wall paper, shhoonya, home decor

Frame it: Sometimes you like a design and want to incorporate it somehow in your home decor, but you aren’t quite sure about how. First thing is never to go overboard with something you like (as you know too much of anything is bad). Second thing not to underboard that its presence is not felt. It’s like finding a middle ground. So, when you do not want to cover the whole wall with one design, just take an optimum size according to your wall and room dimensions and get the piece framed. This way you would have something you like on the wall.

frame wallpaper, shhoonya

Stairs: Don’t put a wallpaper in the steps, eventually it would wear out. But what you can do is put it along the length of the stair (vertical part). This is definitely one of the best things we discovered for home decor. Stairs are usually bland, but with a wallpaper on they brighten up like anything. If placing them along the steps is not what you want, then you can for sure go for a big, bold abstract paper to go along the while to give a chic look to the staircase.

stairs wallpaper, shhoonya

DIY: As simple as it sounds, DIY is actually a very broad term to use when it comes to home décor. You can use a wallpaper to give your table-top a new look. One fun way to pump-up your décor game is using a wallpaper to line the inside of drawers, so when you open a drawer to get a pleasing to the eye feel. This also makes drawer cleaning easy as one tends to keep the drawers more organized this way. There are number of other ways and we would love to hear your unique way of using wallpapers.

Read More: A home lover’s guide to Bohemian style of interior decoration